As our customer, your experience of our service is the measure of how well we are doing, especially when you choose us to help you buy a home.
However, there are times when we might not get our support right first time or it falls short of what you expect. That’s when we welcome your feedback most.
When things go wrong as they sometimes do, tell us and we’ll do our best to fix them for you quickly and fairly. We will listen to you and do our best to solve your issue. You will be treated with respect, you will get updates, answers and decisions from us.
The more information you can give us, the sooner we can look into exactly what happened. If it’s straightforward, we will try and resolve it for you today. If your complaint is more detailed it may take us a little longer to resolve it.
In these cases, we will write to you within five business days to let you know what is happening with your complaint and who is responsible for dealing with it. We will give you regular updates until we can write to you with a final response letter, which we hope will be the outcome you expect. We will include contact details for the Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (FSPO) in this letter. Information about the FSPO is also available from the FSPO website.
The FSPO want you to deal with us first about your complaint before you go to them. The FSPO will ask to see a copy of our final response letter, along with your FSPO Complaint Form.
The Financial Services Ombudsman FSPO will deal independently with a complaint from a personal customer or company with a turnover of less than €3 million.
Haven Mortgages Limited, trading as Haven, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.