Approval in principle checklist

The following list details the standard documentation required to progress a mortgage application. We may require further information based on your personal circumstances or to further clarify any documentation or information you submit to us before we can consider your application complete. Your Mortgage Broker will talk to you about what documentation is required for your application.

How long it takes us to deal with your application

Once your Mortgage Broker receives your application and any other information they have asked you to give us as set out in the Approval in Principle checklist, they will contact you within three business days to say we have received it.

  1. If there is any information missing they will tell you, within three business days;
  2. We will let your Mortgage Broker know our decision on your mortgage application within ten business days of receiving all the information we need;
  3. If we cannot make a decision within ten business days we will tell your Mortgage Broker why and when we are likely to make a decision.
Documentation required to support your Mortgage Application
Item Description 1st App 2nd App

Standard Documents – Required for all Applications

  • Fully completed and signed Declaration, Authorisation and Consent form
  • 6 months most recent current account statements (3 months if you are switching to Haven or Topping Up your Haven Mortgage)
  • 6 months most recent statements for any of the following:
    • Savings
    • Investments
    • Borrowings including mortgages
  • If you are currently renting and there is no regular standing order or direct debit evidencing rent being paid out of your current account, we require the lease or rental agreement
  • If you have lived abroad within the past 3 years or have a bank account outside Ireland, we require a foreign credit check from the relevant country, in English
  • If you are separated or divorced, we require a copy of the separation agreement or alternatively solicitor’s written confirmation of any financial obligations and/or maintenance payments stipulated in the separation agreement
  • If you require a work permit/visa to work in Ireland, we require your original Irish Residency Permit (IRP)
  • If you are in receipt of income that is not included in your contract of employment, please send us the following Revenue documents to confirm your declared level of income:
    • your 3 (2 if you are switching to Haven or Topping Up your Haven Mortgage) most recent Revenue Forms 11; or
  • Equity Input for Purchase – please provide details of the source of the Balance of Funding to complete the proposed property transaction, documentary evidence will be required prior to loan offer.
  • If you have any non-PAYE income please send us one of the following documents to confirm your tax affairs are in order:
    • ROS Charges and Payments statement confirming your tax is paid; or
    • A letter of confirmation from your accountant confirming your tax affairs are in order, including any Revenue arrangements that may be in place
  • Valuation Report - You will be advised when this is required so you do not need to arrange it prior to that time. Your Mortgage Broker can inform you of how to arrange a valuation. It needs to be completed by a valuer from the Haven Residential Mortgage Valuers Panel.

For Employees

  • Income Certificate(s) available on signed, dated and stamped by your employer confirming permanency and basic salary
  • For Employees – If you want to borrow past the age of 68, we require confirmation from your employer of your intended retirement date
  • 3 most recent payslips
  • Your most recent statement of earnings e.g. Employment Detail Summary (this is not required if you are switching to Haven or Topping Up your Haven Mortgage).
  • If your income is performance related, made up of any non-basic income (e.g. shift / overtime etc.) or you are on a contract, we require 3 years most recent statement of earnings e.g. Employment Detail Summary, P60 or P21 to confirm your track record of earnings
  • If you are currently on leave from work, we require a letter from your employer confirming your return date under the same terms and conditions prior to leave

For Self-Employed/Sole Trader/Director of a Company/Partnerships

  • 3 years audited accounts or trading accounts (certified by your accountant)
  • In all circumstances, to confirm your declared income please send us the following Revenue documents:
    • your 3 (2 if you are switching to Haven or Topping Up your Haven Mortgage) most recent Revenue Forms 11; or
    • your 3 most recent Chapter 4 and indicative notices of assessment.
  • Confirmation of tax position from your accountant or ROS Charges & Payments Statement
  • Minimum 6 months (3 months if you are switching to Haven or Topping Up your Haven Mortgage) most recent current account bank statements for the business accounts
  • We require minimum 6 months most recent statements for any borrowings for the business accounts

Rental Income

  • If you are in receipt of rental income from another property we require Revenue documents: Form 11/Chapter 4 and indicative Notice of Assessment detailing this income
  • If you will be in receipt of rental income arising from this application please advise us of the amount

Self-Build Properties:

  • For Self- Build proposals - To enable us to provide you with a credit decision, we require the following details:
    • Value of site
    • Size of property
    • Site Address
    • Build cost
    • Letter of Supervision for Self Build including detailed costings

Further details and documentary evidence will be required prior to loan offer and will be detailed on your Approval in Principle letter.


Customer Identification

In order to comply with legislation to combat money laundering and terrorist financing you will need suitable proof of identity and residential address

  1. A current valid passport or current driving licence and
  2. A current utility bill or current bank/ financial institution statement

We are required by law to collect and verify your Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) or Tax Reference Number (TRN). This is required by the Central Bank of Ireland’s Central Credit Register for Customer Identification.

In order to verify your PPSN/TRN you will need to provide us with an original or electronic version (for example, a PDF or photo) of a document showing your PPSN/TRN and full name. For a list of acceptable documents and more information on how to provide it, visit Haven mortgages CCR page.